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 Example of an ideal couple was Shatadal (Uttam) and Madhuri(Arundhuti). While Shatadal was working with Archaeological Department, Madhuri was a school teacher. She was s lady with a will and mind of her own. They were deeply in love with each other. Yet unseen by the outside world, tensions were building up in their family. Madhuri is incapable of bearing a child, while Shatadal was very much fond of childen. This difference preys on both Madhuri and Shatadal's mind. With time, the strong egos of both of them come into conflict, until one day, even their love for each other could not save their marriage.</br></br>
They separate, rather than continuing a relationship that is rapidly becoming unberable to both. Seven years later, they meet by chance at a railway station. They have a few hours to kill and as they talk about their separate lives, they realise that both have not remarried and that neither can forget each other. They have clung to their reminiscences and their hearts have grown fonder in the separation.</br></br>
Moti Babu and his wife Annapurna became so much fond of the lovable boy that they took upon themselves the task of his upbringing and education. By now charu had grown a strange feeling of love for the boy who became her mate.</br></br>
There is nothing to stop them from reuniting. Yet, when the thought occurs, they find the bitterness of parting and the distance in their relationship is unbridgeable. Like the up and down trains, they meet only to go their separate ways ..</br></br>

Director: Tapan Sinha

Casting: Uttam Kumar, Arundhati Debi

  • Best Regional Feature Films
  • BFJA Awards  (1965)
  • Best Indian Films 

*** No Records Found ***

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